Notes for the Future Editor of the FUSE National Website
Created by Kelsey Diven, Spring 2022 Intern
Updated by Emily Hizny, Fall 2022 Intern
Updated by Sarah Ledet, Spring 2023 Intern
Possible Projects:
Make the website more mobile compatible
Check all the links in the Lit Mag Directory
Change the fonts in all the earlier volumes of The FUSE Box
Make the backgrounds the same (some pages' blue backgrounds to the left and right of the white middle of the page have lines, some don't)
Update the promotional slideshow and pictures on the Home page
Work on/find someone to work on the FUSE National social media accounts
Organize all the files we have under Media
Tips and Tricks
Keep record of everything you do. Even if it's just sending out an email to someone, keep record of it.
​Consistency is very important. Familiarize yourself with fonts, font colors, and font sizes. This comes with practice and time, but it's definitely a helpful tool to keep mindful of. This website uses Museo for its font (if you see Museo Slab, change it to Museo please), and its theme colors are typically at the top of the color selector. If it helps you, write it down.
Many pages function more or less the same. The only one that is different is the Interviews and Reviews page. You might not have to use this page, but you might. It's formatted like a Wix blog. As such, instead of creating new pages or moving boxes around, you would be adding posts.
The website is a living, constantly evolving document. You will be moving things around constantly. This is usually not too bothersome. But sometimes it is. For example, the Affiliated Lit Mag directory is a pain to add to. It may change, but there will always be some frustration when something doesn't work exactly like it's supposed to. Take a deep breath, count to ten, and try again.
The affiliated page is a problem child. I have tinkered with it endlessly and it still hates me. Here's how to edit it now, though. When you click the container for the affil page it will say "Manage Repeater". Click this. You will be able to go through each section (1-40) and see which number certain universities are. Find where you want to place it and click "Copy Section" and it should insert a section underneath it. You will have to change around the images, but it is currently the best way I could find to make this work. Good luck.
It's okay to not know how to do something. Wix is relatively user friendly, but certain skills aren't inherent. Google is your best friend. Wix has great information on how to do different tasks. If it's super specific or something is glitching and doesn't want to listen to you, the Wix Expert Chat is an amazing tool. There's nothing wrong with not being an expert!
Check everything. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with every page at the start of your internship. Write down what you would change. Write down what you think you want to see more of. Every few weeks, go through again. Look at every page.
Each week Dr. Dent will give you a handful of things to do. Do more if you have time. She appreciates it and any future interns will too.
Write down any questions that come up. I promise you won't remember them when you meet with Dr. Dent. You'll tell yourself that you have it locked in. You don't. If you find something that you're not sure what to do with, or you want to double check with Dr. Dent before changing, either email her or write it down in your notes to discuss.
Check the Inbox every two weeks, at least. Often, there will be nothing. You will get the occasional message, and it's important to be timely in your correspondence. Messages that you can't handle directly should be forwarded to Dr. Dent. Example: Someone wants to register their school as part of FUSE. Record the name, email, and the body of their message and send it immediately to Dr. Dent. If it's something regarding the FUSE Website, fix it immediately and send a response thanking them for reaching out and letting them know that the issue has been resolved.
When it comes to design, take a look at other pages of the website and see if you can copy things to keep designs consistent
A page that is hidden (crossed out eyeball icon on the page list) can still be accessed by viewers if there is a particular link to it elsewhere on the website
How To Password Protect a Page (little key icon): (click on the three dots on the page's listing on the Site Menu) > Settings > Permissions > Password Holders (then write in a password)
Good luck and get some sleep <3
For the Next FUSE Conference:
The description and advised timeline for the "24-Hour Lit Mag Challenge" are in the 2022ConferenceStuff folder (recommendation: turn the advised timeline into more of a to-do list)
The form we used for Event Sign-Up in 2022 is a copy of the one from 2020 and that was the only way I could get a form with multiple pages, and it doesn't look like it's an option for a type of form anymore. WIX might stop supporting it at some point, so maybe think about using a google form or something else for Event Sign-Up next time
If a faculty member fills out the Event Sign-Up Form on behalf of their students, either reach out to them and have those students sign up individually, or make sure the faculty member knows that they are responsible for sending the information/Zoom links to their students
Also, add who attendees will be receiving the information/Zoom links from and when they'll receive them, and who to contact if they don't (so people can look out for a certain email from outside the university that won't be spam)
FUSE Website Edits
Spring 2023 - Sarah Ledet
posted/scheduled four reviews from small press class to go live in the following weeks
added information for the 2023 FUSE Conference
changed color of navigation bar to white when clicked (since the bar is now black and they dissappeared when clicked)
added videos from panel to photo archive sandbox
added FUSE conference 2018 to photo archive
updated link to The Sanctuary Magazine in lit mag directory
log in for social media?
changed color of background of photo archive
worked on fixing aesthetic of home page slide show
changed colors on home page (thoughts?)
changed footer around
fixed emeritus board arrangement
added link to amy's email​
added class years to student board members
locked awp photo archive together for ease of mobility
changed color of header to black to match home page
added link to photo archive to awp information on home page
reorganized the "join fuse national" page
removed '22/'23 cost​
added '26/'27 cost
changed c/o to Jess
changed link on "request invoice" to Jess's email
spoke to jess about website plans for the future
created document to act as backup for intern work log
tried to upload document to media files on wix, out of storage
looked into getting more storage!​
added emeritus section to national board page
removed old members from board page
added directors of operations to page
fixed links to emails (where applicable)
changed haley's title to interviews and reviews to match header
attempted to fix spacing on page
added captions to photos on photo archive page
removed "update awp archives" from possible projects section above
played with bottom of website page, opinions?
updated photo on bottom of home page to one from AWP 2023
hid "next year's fuse conference" page
made "2023 fuse conference" page visible
added dates to 2023 fuse conference page​
fixed SUNY Geneseo dates on homepage
added link to new SUNY Geneseo details on homepage​
started updating slide show on home page
need more storage!​
fixed look of national board page
added SUNY Fredonia's lit mag to the directory
finished photo archive (with photos from AWP 2023)
removed AWP 2023 details from "FUSE Caucus at AWP" page
added details about the 2024 conference​
added details to the AWP Caucus archives on this years caucus
changed spacing on AWP Caucus archives
fixed San Antonio AWP description to say "San Antonio," not Portland
fixed other typos/design errors
added new text box to website editors page (ran out of room!)
started drafting "photo archives page"
updated home page AWP information to past tense, added links to AWP Caucus Page
looked at AWP Caucus archives and looked for places to improve​​
changed background of middle of page to white
removed squiggles from side panels
moved text boxes down, added "AWP Caucus Archives" title and box around title
added brief description of AWP 2023 and details on FUSE exec's social media panel
created FUSE member archive page
transferred all the members to different page, listed by year​
added buttons to link to "become a member" page and to "current member page"
updated member page
removed all past members (now on archive page)​
redid design
added '22/'23 members
updated national board page
rearranged boxes all over page​
updated "thanks" section at the bottom of the page
updated website manager title
posted photos from the Caucus on The FUSE National instagram
removed the light box for AWP
added panel name to home page AWP slide
updated slide on homepage to promote AWP
updated fonts on slideshow to museo
added lightbox to promote AWP
linked to AWP caucus page​
redid AWP FUSE Caucus page
reworded explanation of FUSE caucus​
added 2023 caucus section
added schedule of where to find FUSE at AWP
checked links on homepage slideshow
changed links on slideshow to open in same window
moved "interviews" light box to interviews and reviews page
added menu to interviews and reviews
changed spacing on page to line up better
added menu heading to page
tagged posts with interviews/reviews tag so they would show up sorted on the menu
drafted 2023 FUSE Conference page
roughly planned out how to update 2023 AWP Caucus Page
fixed random space in the middle of the lit mag directory
worked through blog page to try and figure out how everything worked
continued to work on main FUSE Box page
added buttons and prompts to buttons on the 2017 and 2018 conference blurbs​
added a blurb for the 2022 conference
fixed links on "Conference Archive" page to connect to correct FUSE Box page
updated about page
added "about" information from FUSE Box​
rewrote all blurbs next to images to fix grammar and add information
updated the FUSE Box page
updated intro box on the FUSE box main page​
added buttons to the FUSE box editions not linked
removed lit mags no longer publishing
the evansville review (university of evansville)​
columbia poetry review (columbia college, chicago)
the foliate oak (university of arkansas)
added light box to announce Ice Box review
removed labels from lit mag directory categories
campus journal- "(open to students enrolled in a particular institution of higher education)"
campus and community journal - "(open to a specific institution's students and community members)"
national journal for undergrads - "(national or international journal open to submissions from undergraduate students only)"
any writer - "(journal staffed by undergraduate students and open to submissions from all writers)"
Finished searching through/evaluating "any writer" lit mags
Separated "any writer" mags into undergrad (14) , non-undergrad (29), and broken link lists to discuss w/ Dr. Dent at meeting
redesigned the header for the lit mag directory
added bullet points to the categories to make them easier to read
​Added Haley Dittbrenner's Icebox review
Figured out how to add blog posts!
Hid "other conferences" page from view
Started searching through "any writer" links on lit mag directory
Removed "the Matrix" from lit mag directory
Fixed link to lit mag for Austin Peay University
Added Passaic County Community College's lit mag to the directory.
​Fixed broken link to the lit mag for Assumption University
Made all page backgrounds uniform by removing lines
Changed fonts on the FUSE Box IV/V to Museo
Fixed the home page link to Fuse Box VI
Fall 2022 - Emily Hizny
Emailed Dr. Dent back
Added more info to the AWP box on the Home page about the FUSE Caucus and the panel I’m on (“How Do You Do, Fellow Kids? A Student-Led Crash Course on Social Media Strategy”)
Met with Sarah and Dr. Dent
Changed the Home page to advertise the next conference at SUNY Geneseo
Reflected on the internship, showed my changes to the website, and talked about what I learned with Sarah and Dr. Dent
Officially passed the internship to Sarah Ledet!
Located AWP event information
Reached out to Ellie about finding the description for our social media panel for AWP
Sent the link to The FUSE Box and the Moondial PDF to Jena for the Writers Institute’s Good News email
Updated these notes with everything I’ve been up to recently
Put everything conference related (video clips, transcripts, photos) in a folder titled 2022ConferenceStuff
Drafted an email to the conference committee announcing The FUSE Box Volume VI has been finished and scheduled it to send tomorrow morning
Edited the transcripts for all the other clips
Formatted the transcripts and uploaded them to WIX
Added text beneath each clip that said “Read the transcript here” and linked each transcript document to its respective text and clip
Added credit to me in the “24-Hour Lit Mag Challenge” title box
Published Volume VI of the FUSE Box!!!!
Met with Sarah and Dr. Dent
Edited the transcript for the Welcome clip
Invited Sarah Ledet to collaborate on the website (WIX Dashboard > Site Actions > Add Collaborators)
Edited the panel recording down to Emma Irving’s description of her experience after graduation and how FUSE impacted it
Downloaded it then uploaded it to WIX and put it under “How to Post-Graduate"
Edited the panel recording down to Ally Butler’s description of her experience after graduation and how FUSE impacted it
Downloaded it then uploaded it to WIX and put it under “How to Post-Graduate"
Copied and pasted the sections of the Zoom recording’s transcript into different documents for each clip
Adjusted the sizes of the play buttons on each clip to be the same size
Selected the cover images for each clip and changed the clips’ behavior to start/stop upon being clicked
Tried to create the “How to Publication” clip on basic editing software
Used Adobe Premiere Pro instead (thanks computer lab) to edit the “How to Publication” panel down to a clip of Gabrielle Troutman introducing the magazine
Downloaded it then uploaded it to WIX and put it at the bottom of the page under the panel’s title
Edited the panel recording (which was four hours and covered all the panels) down to the opening remarks from Dr. C and Dr. Dent
Downloaded it then uploaded it to WIX and put it under the buttons at the top of the page
Edited the panel recording down to Jess Ram’s description of her experience after graduation and how FUSE impacted it
Downloaded it then uploaded it to WIX and put it under “How to Post-Graduate"
Edited the panel recording down to Gabi Esposito’s description of her experience after graduation and how FUSE impacted it
Downloaded it then uploaded it to WIX and realized I made a mistake, there was still two hours of black screen before the clip began
Tried again in Adobe and did it correctly
Downloaded it then uploaded it to WIX and put it under “How to Post-Graduate"
Added the presenter names, universities and event titles for the other panels
Designated space in the “How to Post-Graduate" box for the four alumni panel clips to go
Created the Open Mic title box
Added the host and performers’ names and universities
Created the FUSE National’s “24-Hour Lit Mag Challenge” title box
Edited the description of the challenge and wrote a new paragraph about how the challenge went
Added the challenge participants’ names, universities, and roles
Added the Moondial logo and linked it (plus its caption) to the PDF of the magazine
Went through my screenshots, Dr. C’s screenshots, and Dr. Dent’s screenshots of the conference to find the best pictures for all four panels
Downloaded all those pictures
Uploaded them to WIX
Added the pictures of each panel to their respective Slide Deck Gallery and arranged their order
Renamed the title of each picture to match their panel and order in the gallery
Rearranged the open mic box since we didn’t have any pictures from it
Looked through the Zoom transcript of the “How to Publication” panel to find quotes from the participants
Added those quotes to that panel’s section
Added blue lines in between each part of the page (title and welcome, panels, open mic, lit mag challenge) and white lines above and below the Meet the Team part of the challenge box to differentiate it
Added anchors to the Panels, Open Mic, and lit mag challenge title boxes and linked them to the buttons at the top of the page
Added the Panels title box
Created a background box for each panel and event
Put Slide Deck Galleries on the right side of each panel box
Added the presenter names, universities, and event title for the “How to Social Media” panel
Emailed Dr. Dent and Dr. C to request the Zoom conference recordings
Designed the buttons to match the page’s color scheme
Linked the Merch button to the FUSE Merchandise page
Tried out a few options for boxes/strips, used the same Vector Art box from the FAQ page
Replied to Dr. Dent to say that we’re not meeting this week
Went through the photos of the conference from Dr. C
Created Volume six of the FUSE Box
Added the title and title box
Added buttons that will link to the panels, the open mic, the lit mag, and FUSE merchandise
Emailed Dr. Dent about moving the meeting time to Friday afternoons since Sarah has a class in the morning
Talked to Sarah about her joining us for the last two website meetings after Thanksgiving
Met with Dr. Dent
Looked at previous editions of The FUSE Box
Made a list of potential things to include and design questions to ask Dr. Dent
Sketched out my design idea for the sixth entry (about this past conference)
Put the description of the conference on the 2022 FUSE Conference page in past tense
Got rid of the buttons that linked to Registration and Event Sign-Up
Added “Read this year’s Literary Magazine!” below the description of the “24-Hour Lit Mag Challenge” that links to the PDF of Moondial
Added the logo of Moondial below that title which also links to the PDF
Added “Check out the results of the ‘24-Hour Lit Mag Challenge!’” to the top of the conference page (linked to the PDF)
Added the logo to the top of the page as well that also links to the PDF of the magazine
Deleted the Lightbox
Adjusted the info about the conference on the Home page to be in past tense and say “Go to the 2022 FUSE Conference page to see the results of the ‘24-Hour Lit Mag Challenge’”
Emailed Dr. Dent about the PDF being live on the website, and about our meeting this week
Messaged Moondial team that the PDF was live
Attended “How to Publication” and wrote down some suggestions about the challenge for next year
Provided feedback on the conference itself and recommendations for next year
Received an email from Ginger that she couldn’t make it to the lit mag challenge after all
Moved Ellie from layout back to design again because of that
So the roles and people involved ended up being:
Managing Editors:
Gabrielle Troutman (she/her) - Appalachian State University ‘23
Ciana Bowers (she/her) - Widener University ‘23
Ellie Pasquale (she/her) - Susquehanna University ‘24
Madelyn DeMatt (she/her) - Susquehanna University ‘26
Hannah Mackey (she/they) - Susquehanna University ‘23
Layout Editor:
Amber Watkin (she/her) - Susquehanna University ‘24
Social Media Manager:
Maureen DiGiovanni (she/her) - Calumet College of St. Joseph ‘23
Attended the 2022 FUSE Digital Conference:
Welcome to “How to This, That, and the Other Thing”
“How to Social Media”
“How to Find Contributors & Choose Submissions”
“How to Submit Work”
“How to Post-Graduate"
Presented the Guidelines to the “24-Hour Lit Mag Challenge”
Took screenshots throughout the conference
Emailed the FUSE National Instagram login to Maureen
Emailed the list of conference attendees’ emails to Gabrielle and Ciana
Replied to Maureen to contact Ellie about getting into the account, and to contact her team about what to post on Instagram
Attended the Open Mic
Performed at the Open Mic
Cross-referenced the website form with my google form to find out why (according to Dr. Dent) 10 people signed up for the lit mag challenge when I only had 5
Emailed Dr. Dent back about why – because they either missed the deadline or didn’t follow instructions to fill out the additional google form, and reminded her that she did not send out the emails with the Zoom links to the attendees like we discussed
Replied to Dr. Dent about my next plan of action for including the new people
Discovered that one name was a professor (Alison Bennett Dyche) who filled out the event sign-up form on behalf of her students, and I received a response on the google form only from a student (Gabrielle Troutman) from the same university (Appalachian State University), so I didn’t have to contact her
Emailed Ginger DeLussey (SU), Sydnie Howard (SU), and Ciana Bowers (Widener) about filling out the google form ASAP if they were still interested in participating
Received responses from Ginger and Ciana
Replied to Dr. Dent about how the team was going to reach out to attendees for submissions – I was going to send them the emails of all the attendees after the challenge began (which I had already stated in the email to the participants that I CC’d her on, and that she’d responded to)
Forwarded the email with the challenge info I sent on Wednesday to Ginger and Ciana
Reshuffled the roles to account for the new people
Emailed the whole team about the change
Sent the names and emails of the open mic performers to Haley
Removed a panelist from the “How to Social Media” panel since something popped up and he couldn’t present
Wrote some notes of what to say during the Guidelines to the “24-Hour Lit Mag Challenge”
Heard that Hannah and the other two people on Ellie’s panel didn’t receive the email with the Zoom links that Dr. Dent sent out
So I emailed all 80 participants myself with the Zoom links to make sure everyone got them and no one fell through the cracks (since everyone who wanted to go should be able to go, and just in case someone didn’t receive the links and had no one to ask for them)
Edited and sent the email to challenge participants
Advertised the conference during the FUSE meeting
Learned that Haley couldn’t make it to the challenge
Asked Ellie or Amber if they’d be willing to take on design, Ellie was ok with it
Finalized everyone’s roles for the challenge
Added a deadline for “24-Hour Lit Mag Challenge” participation at the end of the general Event Sign-Up form and on my own google form for choosing roles
Looked at the responses to the google form
Sorted a few people into roles based on interest and making sure each position is filled
Asked Ellie for advice about the dilemma of who to move to copyediting (Managing Editor and Layout both had two people with a second choice of copyediting, which role would be ok only having one person? Answer: Layout since Ellie was happy to move from layout to copyediting)
Drafted a long email to the challenge participants with a little introduction from me, an explanation of the advised timeline, their assigned roles, the plan for my “Guidelines” to the challenge, and the plan for the discussion on Saturday
Downloaded the CSV file with all the responses to the Event Sign-Up form (so that Dr. Dent can send a mass email with the Zoom links before the conference)
Met with Dr. Dent
Sent the list of conference attendees to Dr. Dent
Added the border box around the title of the Want to Host the Next FUSE Conference page
Changed the background color of the word bubble box (technically called a caption in newspaper editing I think)
Changed the font to Museo
Adjusted the size of the text inside
Added a border to match the design on the FAQ page
Added the border box around the title of the Affiliated Lit Mag Directory
Added the border box around the title of the Lit Mag Directory page itself (Undergraduate Literary Magazine Directory) (if you click it on the banner rather than one of the drop down pages)
Changed the font to Museo
Adjusted the text size
Linked the Affiliated Lit Mags & Journals button to the correct page
Made the button text bigger
Changed the font on the fields of the Contact Us form to Museo
Changes the font on the fields of the form on the Home page to Museo
Added a shadow on the title text of the Home page form to make it more readable
Reminded FUSE members to sign up for the conference
Talked to Sarah about the registration process for the internship
Added the SU students who signed up for the conference into an email to Dr. Dent
Tried to track down one student’s last name (who didn’t put it on the form)
Contacted Sarah with specific steps to complete the internship form
Added the names of the panelists to the conference schedule
Filled out my own form for the conference lol
Drafted an email with the list of SU’s conference attendees so far
Replied to Shanae Vanmoore that Violet Margin has been added to the Lit Mag directory
Got rid of two misplaced periods on the directory page
Added the border box around the title of the Next Year’s FUSE Conference page
Changed the font of the text in the banner box
Changed the size of the text which messed with the size and shape of the box’s different layers
Fixed the layers of the banner box
Reminded the FUSE exec to fill out the conference event sign-up form
Asked Amber to send out a reminder email to club members about it
Tried to modify the text on the Adding Your Publications page but it didn’t want to listen
Created a new textbox and started from scratch with the guidelines
Condensed repetitive language and put the different sections as bullet points instead of the first thing on the page
Experimented with center aligning the text
Returned the text to left alignment and added more contrast between headings and bullet points
Changed the font on the form fields to Museo
Made each type of journal the same color as the top of the directory page
Looked through the new messages (people submitting the event sign-up form)
Added University of Illinois Springfield and its lit mag Violet Margin to the lit mag directory
Finally figured out how the staff member of that magazine submitted to a form on an invisible page – because we linked that page to the top of the directory for people to add a magazine (just kept skimming past it by accident)
Changed the center of the Adding Your Publication page to white instead of the background
Added a border box around the title
Adjusted the font size
Adjusted the centering of the title boxes on other pages
Changed the font of the instructions to Museo
Made the font size smaller
Contacted Amber about adding a reminder of the event sign-up form to the FUSE minutes
Updated the conference schedule to include the beginning Welcome segment
Added a question about the Open Mic to the form
Added to the message at the end of the form that people who sign-up to participate in the open mic will receive an email from the organizers (Haley) to choose their spot in the order
Contacted Haley about this plan, and to tell her to remind me to give her the emails of those who want to perform
Added the Zoom links from Dr. C
Changed the language of event registration to event sign-up on the Home page, Lightbox, 2022 Conference Page, and Payment Page
Added a button on the Conference Page and on the Payment page (also linked the text event sign-up form to the password protected page with the form)
Linked the 2022 Conference Sign-Up page on the Home page and the Lightbox
Changed the color of the first page’s questions when you hover over them to match the theme and other questions
Changed the release of the event sign-up form on the Home page, Lightbox, 2022 Conference Page, and Payment page from the 15th to the 17th since Dr. C said to wait
Met with Dr. Dent
Emailed Dr. C about the schedule he shared during the conference committee meeting
Made a new event registration form from scratch
It looked super cool but there was no way to add another sheet to the form (I looked it up and the only way is through coding it, so really not sure how we got the one from 2020, but that one had multiple pages in it)
Attended the conference planning meeting with Haley and Dr. C
Got rid of my form :( and duplicated the one from 2020
Password protected the page the form is on – 2022 Conference Event Registration
Did a lot of fiddling and rearranging
Updated the color scheme and font
Added a section for pronouns on the first page
Changed the old panel titles and times to the new ones
Got rid of irrelevant questions
Added one about the Lit Mag challenge
Condensed it to two pages instead of three
Modified the message at the end to have the zoom links (waiting on those) and the link to the “24-Hour Lit Mag Challenge” sign-up
Presented about the conference with Ellie during the FUSE meeting and gave a tour of the national website
Deleted the above portion of the 2022 FUSE Conference Page
Made the description smaller and Museo font
Put the title in a border box like the other pages
Moved the schedule underneath the description
Changed the color of the border box around the schedule
Changed the schedule font to Museo
Added the “24-Hour Lit Mag Challenge” description underneath the schedule
Put the circle slides underneath the description
Changed the wording of “this form” to “event registration”
Changed the wording of “registration” to “event registration” on the payment page to refer to the upcoming password protected form (of which events people will attend)
Changed the font on the payment page to Museo
Adjusted the box about the conference on the Home page to say that the event registration form will be available on the 15th
Evened out the boxes on the Home page
Changed the lightbox to also say event registration will be available the 15th
Got rid of the sliver of white space on the Home page
Centered the text above the contact form at the bottom of the page
Made the email line of the contact form longer to match the rest of it
Changed the color of the title and success text to match the website theme
Made the Toni Morrison quote centered on the bottom and centered the Contact Us button
Added more white space at the bottom of the Mission and History page
Adjusted the boxes on the National Board page
Changed the font on the Join FUSE National page to Museo
Made the titles bigger
Changed the title box to match the other pages
Changed the font to Museo on the FUSE Caucus at AWP page
Adjusted the spacing of the title on the 2023 FUSE Conference page
Changed the font to Museo and adjusted the boxes accordingly for each FUSE Box page
Changed the font to Museo on the FUSE Conference Archives page
Wrote an email to Dr. Dent to run one of the slides for Wednesday by her and to ask if I could share the password to the event sign-up form (since SU is registered? to FUSE National)
Met with Ellie to create the presentation for Wednesday on the history of FUSE, the upcoming conference, and the website
Sent her the universities who have registered so she can follow their lit mags on Instagram
Outlined with her the posts we should have going up soon
Investigated the different forms on the Forms & Submissions sidebar under Communications
Renamed the Contact VP of Membership form to Home Page Contact Form
Renamed the Contact 2 form to Adding Your Publication (since it corresponds to that currently invisible page)
Deleted the Contact form since it corresponded to the old Contact Us page, deleted that page too since the new one works
Went through the inbox and deleted spam messages
Archived messages from last semester/year that were actually real
Discovered that there’s an extremely long list of messages in the inbox that are copies of when people filled out the colloquium event form in 2020, there’s definitely above 50 so I think the Wix inbox caps the sidebar number there, and they appeared after I went through the other ones so hopefully this clears up why it keeps saying 50 messages
Met with Dr. Dent
Emailed the 24-Hour Lit Mag Challenge Advised Timeline to Dr. C
Copied the form from the previous Contact Us page and put it on the new one
Made everything centered
Added the border box from the Buy FUSE Merch page around the Contact Us title
Changed the color of the message after submitting the form to be a color in the website's theme
Sent a message through the form (titled Contact Us) to test it
Poked around the Wix dashboard to find where the forms are (under Communications on the sidebar)
Found my message - Success!
Centered all the text on the FAQ page
Changed the font from Museo Slab to Museo
Updated the color scheme of the title border box to match the Buy FUSE Merch page
Gave the textboxes a lighter background panel just like the title border box
Made the text darker so now it looks easier on the eyes
Met with the FUSE exec and discussed the 24-Hour Lit Mag Challenge
Gave them a rundown of the conference
Tried to figure out how to make the center of the page white on the Contact Us page
Couldn't figure it out so I copied a page with the white center and created a new Contact Us page
Met with Ellie to discuss FUSE National's social media
Sent Dr. Dent an email about going over the digital conference and the FUSE website at next week's FUSE meeting
Changed the language on the conference page to make it clearer that we want people to be on the panels we created, not create their own
Added the panelist deadline extension to the Lightbox on the Home page
Realized the X disappeared from the Lightbox so I added it back in
Replaced the screenshot of the FUSE merch site with a new one (that doesn't have anyone's heads cut off)
Added to the 2022 Conference page when the panelists will hear back about their submissions
Emailed availability to the Conference Committee
Reached out to Ellie about FUSE National social media
Reached out to Ellie about taking over our presentation day in FUSE next week to talk about the website
Added quotes around the panel titles and the challenge on the lit mag challenge documents
Sent description and advised timeline to the FUSE exec for feedback, also reminded them of the conference's call for panelists
Updated the deadline for conference panelist submissions
Put quotes around the panel titles on the schedule
Met with Dr. Dent
Created a new page under About - Buy FUSE Merch
Fiddled with the slideshow on the Home page
Went to the merch website itself and took a screenshot
Uploaded the screenshot to the Buy FUSE Merch page
Added a title box with the link to the website
Fiddled with the text and textbox cover
Created the Advised Timeline for the 24-Hour Lit Mag Challenge
Put the anchors back over their correct universities
Linked the Bucknell logo in the Affiliated Undergraduate Publications to its section on the Undergraduate Student Journals page
Adjusted the anchors to make the universities be at the top of the linked page without being cut off
Made the size of the university names consistent
Went back through the space between paragraphs and fixed a few that changed
Adjusted textbox size on the journals page
Put textboxes up against each other
Fixed minor errors as I found them
Fixed the size of the space between paragraphs on the journals page so that it's consistent
Fixed the spacing of the journals page
Edited challenge description with Ellie's recommendations
Scheduled to send the email to Dr. C with the description
Scheduled to send an email to Dr. Dent about if we're having a meeting this week
Worked on the spacing of the journals page some more
Continued changing the font to Museo
Edited the 24-Hour Lit Mag Challenge description
Sent it to Haley and Ellie
Added a specification about submitting that Haley recommended
Drafted an email to Dr. C
Finished changing font to Museo
Began adjusting the spacing on the Undergraduate Student Journals page so that it's consistent (Custom - 1.4)
Began changing the font of the Undergraduate Student Journals page from Museo Slab to Museo
Met with Dr. Dent
Reached out to Jena for the link to Apprentice Writer
Reached out to Amber for the link to The Squirrel
Added both to the Undergraduate Student Journals page
Wrote official description and guidelines for the 24-Hour Lit Mag Challenge
Talked to Ellie about making a new Twitter (no idea how to recover the old one and it's super old anyway) and making the website's Home page logo the profile picture for those
Tracked down the file for the logo and sent it to Ellie
Added Cal Poly Humboldt to the Member list for 2020-2021
Fixed the overlapping text on the Member page and made the lists more aesthetically consistent
Determined that there is no lit mag called IU East, IU East is the specific Indiana University that has the magazine Tributaries which is on the website journal list
Investigated the lit mag Sit Lux from Tusculum University but couldn't find anything about it except for a Facebook post that says it exists but there's no link/info about it anywhere
Investigated the list of lit mags present at the FUSE Caucus and wrote down who needed to be added
Researched IU East and couldn't find it
Wrote email to Tony Zitta about getting the FUSE Exec into the practicum section
Corrected typo and adjusted spacing on the Registration & Payment Page
Specified the timing of the panels on the schedule (45 minutes with 15 minute breaks between)
Updated the club constitution
Sent the constitution to the FUSE Exec
Worked on the Lit Mag Challenge Guidelines
Created the 2022 Digital Conference Payment and Registration Page
Combined the Individual and Institution paragraphs
Added the link to the payment form from Marie Hassinger to the page
Added a button on the 2022 FUSE Conference page that linked to the payment page
Scrapped the old Lightbox and started over
Added a better Lightbox to the Home page which also links to the payment page
Emailed Dr. Dent with progress report
Created a Sign-Up google form for the challenge
Drafted a timeline for the 24-Hour Lit Mag Challenge
Created a Lightbox for the Home page for conference registration
Met with Dr. Dent
Switched the FUSE Box to have the newest event on top of the drop-down list
Put my name as the Website Manager for the National Board
Discussed the club constitution with FUSE Exec
Reached out to Ellie about social media for the conference
Read the club constitution
Copied the constitution onto a document
Edited it for grammar and inconsistencies
Made AWP Archives Page visible and on the Conferences drop-down list
Reached out to Hannah & FUSE Exec about updating the club constitution
Caught this page and my own notes up on what I've been up to
Differentiated events between Summer and Fall timeframes and
Added the name of the corresponding intern for each list
Reviewed Dr. Dent's email to other university departments about the conference
Wrote a description of the 24-Hour Lit Mag Challenge
Emailed it to the planning crew (Dr. Dent, Dr. C, Haley, and Ellie)
Met with Dr. Dent
8/30 & 9/1
Clicked through all the pages except for the Undergraduate Student Journals page and checked that the links worked
Recorded things to fix/inquire about
Summer 2022 - Emily Hizny
Attended conference planning meeting
Replied to Dr. C's email about choosing a time for the next planning meeting
Replied to Dr. Dent's emails about a time for the weekly meeting during the semester
Explored the website
Meet with Dr. Dent
Emailed her, Dr. C, Ellie, and Haley with the link to our call for panelists
Rearranged the FAQ page
Added call for panelist instructions to 2022 Conference page
Changed the title on conference page to be Digital Conference instead of Event
Changed right hand box on Home Page to include the call for panelists and linked it to the 2022 Conference page
Edited panel names on 2022 Conference page
Attended 2022 FUSE Conference planning meeting
Reformatted the event info boxes on the home page
Changed the membership cost on the Members page from $150 to $50 for 2022-2023
Edited the "How To Start Your Own FUSE Chapter" document and reuploaded it to the link in the FAQ page under "How do we become a member and why should we?"
Added more information to the home page about the June planning session for the virtual 2022 FUSE event at Widener in the fall
Spring 2022 - Kelsey Diven
Added transcript to criswell interview
Updated interview zach emailed me about
Fixed spacing for affil page
Emailed zach shiffman
Emailed tony zitta
Finished emily criswell transcript
Went through lit mag directory and added missing mags from affil page
Added anchors
Hyperlinked affil pics to anchors
Uploaded interviews (scheduled)
Went through url links and edited them
Worked on redoing affil page
Edited affil page with strips now
Added uni wisconsin– milwaulkee to affil
Added page with tips, tricks, and all edits for future editors (That's this page! Hello!)
Updated FUSE Archives page to go in reverse chronological order
Started adding additional lit mags to affil directory (up to hawai'i)
Removed all parentheticals
Updated all home page mentions of AWP
Updated awp page under conferences
Went through lit mags on affil page and found other lit mags
Compiled info on additional lit mags
Created fuse page for suny geneseo 2023 (hidden)
Deleted quotations from affil page
Bold highlighted titles of lit mags from affil page
Met with emily hizny and discussed FUSE internship ​
Hey Emily!​
Saw Sarah Ledet’s email about the mixup
Emailed Emily Hizny
Fixed interviews home page, double checked mobile compatibility of page
Fixed vp of whatever to web manager
Fixed suny geneseo
Someone else adjusted the home page? → ???
Emailed sarah ledet
Moved suny’s to ‘S’ alphabetically
Added people to fuse national members
Updated affil lit mag to include all
Reached out to social media for reviews
Changed abigail st cloud to abigail cloud
Adjusted FUSEBox to associate with Bowling Green + MidAmerican Review
Reviewed messages, one wanted Vanderbilt updated and I did so
Realized i did not figure out font color
Reached out to Wix support (shout out to Sofia, very helpful) and was able to fix the background/font color
Scheduled all blog posts and contacted Zach with the posting schedule
Formatted blog posts so that there was no overlapping text/excess blank space on the bottom
Fixed social media links on blog posts to lead to FUSE and not Wix
Added instagram to social media in footer across all pages
Updated homepage rolling images to have working hyperlinks (interviews/reviews), updated final slide to promote AWP
Adjusted national board to make it easier to add to
Figured out how to do font color (i think)
Scheduled blog posts for arin, hannah mackey, zach shiffman, emily criswell
Went through each page to check for mobile aesthetics (many were REAL bad)
Added description and links to FUSEBox home page for V, adjusted anchors
Updated conference pages to reflect most recent information
Updated members page to include colleges, updated payment info, worked on formatting
Added “thanks to” for previous fuse nat’l members
About page fixed for formatting (font, color, size shape/color)
Added years to FUSEBox 5
Adjusted fuse box anchors for mobile
Updated home page to link to fusebox highlighting 2020 coll
Volume V (still needs work)
Deleted box on about page (was ugly and made it hard to read)
Adjusted spacing on FAQ Page
Updated Members Page to include 2021-2022 Members
Deleted box on conferences (ugly, hard to read)
Finished 2020 conference matching format to 2019
Changed name of page to FUSE conference online (under conferences)
Added 2020 Fuse information to fuse box front page and added button hyperlink to main page
Adjusted fusebox top buttons to go to individual fusebox websites instead of just moving down the page
Updated AWP page to advertise information abt 2022
Added chat to AWP Archives
Finished affil lit mags, published site
Researched affiliated lit mags and universities, redid entire page because it wouldn’t be easily adjusted with alphabetical order
Adjusted formatting for lit mag directory for uniformity
Reviewed directory for color coding accuracy and added title (i.e. campus journal) next to magazines when applicable
Searched each lit mag and fixed links (bolded are completed)
Reviewed links on lit mag directory and noted broken links
Added Folio Magazine, Dazed Starling, Aurora, and Driftwood to lit mag directory
Fixed overlapping text on directory page
Home page
Added information about FUSE caucus at AWP on banner and in box, added hyperlinks to AWP website in both (AWP 2022, “there”)
Reviewed inbox and took note of important messages
Fixed issue with Augusta University’s lit mag description